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Keys to Success — The Effectiveness of Having a Sponsor

To quickly and smoothly climb a corporate ladder, more than a mentor is required. You need a sponsor, who is in a position of leadership or has influence or power that could open opportunities for you, and who will support you as a good candidate for desirable positions. The challenge is, you can’t directly approach someone you don’t know very well and ask them if they will sponsor you. You must earn their trust. This SPE Live explores different aspects and experiences of sponsoring from the perspectives of some very diverse and renowned leaders in Executive Coaching, Choir Conduction and Academia.

Panel begins at 4:00
Elizabeth Coffey, Founder, Spark Leadership Ltd,
Sue Webb, Associate Professor – Geophysics, University of the Witwatersrand
Maria Guinand, Artistic Director, Schola Cantorum Foundation of Venezuela.
Maria Angela Capello, Chair, SPE Business Management & Leadership Committee Eve Sprunt, Thought Leader, Eve Sprunt & Associates

—— Special edition of SPE Live: Mentoring and Sponsoring
– Keys to Success In this special program, we wanted to address what are some of the factors for successfully progressing your career. In this case the role and importance of Mentoring and Sponsoring. These soft skills are important for any graduate student and young professional – within the energy industry, and in fact any chosen career path. The inspiration behind this series comes from Maria Angela Capello and Eve Sprunt. Understanding the need behind successful mentoring and sponsoring, Maria Angela and Eve brought together an eclectic, diverse group of expert voices from as far a field as Executive Coaching, the Arts, Academia, the Petroleum Industry and Big Tech.