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Understanding and Managing Budgets

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Course Credit: 0.3 CEU, 3.0 PDH

A budget is a detail of expenses and incomes for a set period of time. This introductory-level course covers budgets and how they are used in organizational settings including the uses and functions of master budgets, operating budgets, sales, production and cost of goods sold budgets, and cash budgets. You will also learn about the budgeting process, and how organizations are using different budgeting techniques to overcome operating challenges.

Expiration: This course expires 12 months from date of registration.

———— This course is part of the “Leadership Development Training Package” > Section “Financial Fundamentals Training Section ————

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The Financial Fundamentals package consists of the following courses:

  • Introduction to Finance
  • Understanding and Managing Budgets
  • Project Economics, Risk and Uncertainty Analysis
  • Value of Information
  • Leadership and Management for Entrepreneurs

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 1 chapter

Course Chapters

  • 1Understanding and Managing Budgets
    Media Type: Scorm

    A budget is a detail of expenses and incomes for a set period of time. This introductory-level course covers budgets and how they are used in organizational settings including the uses and functions of master budgets, operating budgets, sales, production and cost of goods sold budgets, and cash budgets. You will also learn about the budgeting process, and how organizations are using different budgeting techniques to overcome operating challenges.


Earn credits by completing this course0.3 CEU credit3.0 PDH credits