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From Data to Actions – Improving the Value of Drilling Data in Operations, Engineering, and Research.

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Course Credit: 0.15 CEU, 1.5 PDH

Drilling organizations have more data than ever at their disposal. But deriving meaningful insights from that data and converting knowledge into action is easier said than done. As an industry, we need to create a process to transform raw measurements into new insights and actions that improve the performance, quality, and safety of the well construction process.

The medical industry, weather forecasting, self-driving cars, or certain manufacturing industries could harvest data analysis, intelligent algorithms, or process automation. Companies like IBM have been promising to bring such “Watson-technology” into drilling for years, without considerable success.

This webinar presents some of the most prominent barriers to efficiently using drilling data for performance gains and improved wellbore quality and offers solutions to them. It thereby addresses topics around downhole sensor design and calibration, data interpretation, data transfer and processing, visualization techniques, data classification and integration, and automated data quality improvements and analysis.

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  1 downloadable resource

Course Chapters

  • 1From Data to Actions – Improving the Value of Drilling Data in Operations, Engineering, and Research. - Chapter 1
    Media Type: Video


Earn credits by completing this course0.15 CEU credit1.5 PDH credits


Theresa Baumgartner