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Subsurface Environment

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Course Credit: 0.25 CEU, 2.5 PDH

This topic addresses the fundamental and general conditions of the subsurface environment. The nature of water, pressure, geothermal gradient and fluid dynamics is discussed and its implications on oil and gas generation. Also presented is the effects of overpressure and under pressured environments as it relates to drilling and production.

Expiration: This course expires 12 months from date of registration.

     1 chapter

    Course Chapters

    • 1Subsurface Environment
      Media Type: Scorm

      This topic addresses the fundamental and general conditions of the subsurface environment. The nature of water, pressure, geothermal gradient and fluid dynamics is discussed and its implications on oil and gas generation. Also presented is the effects of overpressure and under pressured environments as it relates to drilling and production.


    Earn credits by completing this course0.25 CEU credit2.5 PDH credits