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Sustainability Mindset

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Course Credit: 0.6 CEU
Estimated time investment:
6 hours

This course arises in the context of a worrying increase of CO2 & GHG emissions in the atmosphere, the effect on the climate has been well studied by scientists from all over the world, and most notably the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change). Even with a series of worldwide gatherings, the United Nations Climate Change Conferences, called the COPs (Conference of the Parties) have taken place, most notably the Paris Accord to keep global warming below 1.5 C over the pre-industrial level, the presence of CO2 emissions and other Greenhouse Gases (GHG) in the atmosphere keeps increasing. Its effects are more noticeable every year in the form of heat waves, stronger storms, flood, hurricanes, loss of biodiversity, etc.

So, what can we do to go faster in accelerating the Energy Transition? How can the SPE members and their associated organizations help?

The objective of this course is to focus on behaviors, beliefs, and attitudes (Mindset) that will make, in the opinion of the course creator, a lot of impact on creating actions that can correct this situation and redirect towards a more sustainable path.

— This course is part of the “Leadership Development Training Package” > “Sustainability Leadership Training Section”

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Sustainability Leadership Training Section content:

  • Sustainability Mindset
  • Sustainability Stakeholder Management

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 38 chapters
  1 downloadable resource

Course Chapters

  • 1Sustainability Leadership - Sustainability Mindset - Description
    Media Type: Video

    This course arises in the context of a worrying increase of CO2 & GHG emissions in the atmosphere, the effect on the climate has been well studied by scientists from all over the world, and most notably the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change).

    Even with a series of worldwide gatherings, the United Nations Climate Change Conferences, called the COPs (Conference of the Parties) have taken place, most notably the Paris Accord to keep global warming below 1.5 C over the pre-industrial level, the presence of CO2 emissions and other Greenhouse Gases (GHG) in the atmosphere keeps increasing. Its effects are more noticeable every year in the form of heat waves, stronger storms, flood, hurricanes, loss of biodiversity, etc.

    So, what can we do to go faster in accelerating the Energy Transition? How can the SPE members and their associated organizations help?

    The objective of this course is to focus on behaviors, beliefs, and attitudes (Mindset) that will make, in the opinion of the course creator, a lot of impact on creating actions that can correct this situation and redirect towards a more sustainable path.

  • 2Sustainability Mindset - Module 1: Transform Yourself: Build a Sustainable Mindset: 2.0a – Why Sustainability Mindsets Are the Key to Change
    Media Type: Video

    These mindsets that already exist in the SPE community are the key to change; we just need to adapt them to the new challenges.

  • 3Sustainability Mindset - Module 1: Transform Yourself: Build a Sustainable Mindset: 2.0b – Intro: Sustainability Mindset Program
    Media Type: Video

    A summary of the program content and objectives.

  • 4Sustainability Mindset - Module 1: Transform Yourself: Build a Sustainable Mindset: 2.1-1 – Be the Change
    Media Type: Video

    Advantages of integrating a mindset of “being the change” while transforming others.

  • 5Sustainability Mindset - Module 1: Transform Yourself: Build a Sustainable Mindset: 2.1-2 Triggers – The Importance of Recognizing Them
    Media Type: Video

    What is a trigger in psychology, and why it is important to recognize them in this context? What happens if you recognize the triggers; what happens if you don’t?

  • 6Sustainability Mindset - Module 1: Transform Yourself: Build a Sustainable Mindset: 2.1-3 Meditation – A Tool to Prevent Triggers
    Media Type: Video

    (Bonus material) a good tool to train your mind so you are not so easily “triggered.”

  • 7Sustainability Mindset - Module 1: Transform Yourself: Build a Sustainable Mindset: 2.1-4 – The Work - A Tool to Deactivate Triggers
    Media Type: Video

    A tool to deactivate triggers- a good tool to come back to your calmed state after you have been “triggered."

  • 8Sustainability Mindset - Module 1: Transform Yourself: Build a Sustainable Mindset: 2.1-5 – Tapping to Deactivate Triggers
    Media Type: Video

    A tool to deactivate triggers (bonus material) is an unconventional tool to return to your calmed state after you have been “triggered."

  • 9Sustainability Mindset - Module 1: Transform Yourself: Build a Sustainable Mindset: 2.1-6 – Congruence - A Necessary Leadership Quality
    Media Type: Video

    A necessary leadership quality – this is another angle to “being the change” that will help you internalize sustainable behaviors.

  • 10Sustainability Mindset - Module 1: Transform Yourself: Build a Sustainable Mindset: 2.1-7 – Choose Your Personal Purpose
    Media Type: Video

    Some personal stories that will hopefully help you to understand purpose better and choose yours.

  • 11Sustainability Mindset - Module 1: Transform Yourself: Build a Sustainable Mindset: 2.1-8 – Discover and Ignite Your Work Passions
    Media Type: Video

    How being connected with your passions will energize you, and a structured method to discover your top 5 work passions.

  • 12Sustainability Mindset - Module 1: Transform Yourself: Build a Sustainable Mindset: 2.1-9 – Ignite Your Passions and Create Your Markers
    Media Type: Video

    Creating some scores and KPIs for your passions to check if you are taking the necessary actions to implement them in your work and life.

  • 13Sustainability Mindset - Module 1: Transform Yourself: Build a Sustainable Mindset: 2.1-10 – Creating Results with the Power of Intention
    Media Type: Video

    Defining “Intention” and how we use it to actualize our passions.

  • 14Sustainability Mindset - Module 1: Transform Yourself: Build a Sustainable Mindset: 2.1-11 – Creating Results with the Power of Attention
    Media Type: Video

    Defining “Attention” and how we use it to actualize our passions.

  • 15Sustainability Mindset - Module 1: Transform Yourself: Build a Sustainable Mindset: 2.1-12 – Creating Results with the Power of No Tension
    Media Type: Video

    Defining “No Tension” and how we use it to actualize our passions.

  • 16Sustainability Mindset - Module 2a: Transform Your Organization for the Sustainable Journey
    Media Type: Video

    Module 2:

    In this second Module the author changes tone and enters into the territory of practical business day to day life.

    In a business, we need to prepare business cases for our initiatives. We cannot do things on a whim. The author provides elements and motivation to prepare a business case for Sustainability.

    Also, in order to leverage a team to move faster with the Sustainability approach, she argues that creating a team of “perfect-fit” Change agents is a better approach that trying to engage the whole organization.

    She goes on then to provide very practical methodologies to attract and retain this group of Change agents. These are methodologies drawn from her 28 years experience in business development, which apply whether you want to attract a “perfect fit” client or a “perfect fit” Change Agent.

    The final objective here is that “you get it done”, that you truly create the business case, convince your Management, get a green light and attract the team of Change Agents that is going to go through the journey with you, offering you their time and energy.

  • 17Sustainability Mindset - Module 2a: 2.2a-1 – Build a Business Case – Employee Engagement
    Media Type: Video

    Employee engagement increases when people are connected to their passion for Sustainability.

  • 18Sustainability Mindset - Module 2a: 2.2a-2 – Build a Business Case – Customer Attraction
    Media Type: Video

    Your customers find you more attractive when you are congruent with your Sustainable values.

  • 19Sustainability Mindset - Module 2a: 2.2a-3 – Build a Business Case – Employee Sustainability Branding
    Media Type: Video

    Your brand will have a boost when your employees are your Sustainable brand ambassadors.

  • 20Sustainability Mindset - Module 2a: T2.2a-4 – Build a Business Case – Social License to Operate
    Media Type: Video

    Why having Sustainability in your strategy is key to retaining your Social License to operate.

  • 21Sustainability Mindset - Module 2a: 2.2a-5 – Build a Business Case – Protection of the Business Risk by Mitigating Climate Change
    Media Type: Video

    Protection of the business risk by mitigating climate change – I give you extra arguments for your business case.

  • 22Sustainability Mindset - Module 2b: Create a Core Group of Change Agents for Sustainability: 2.2b-0 – Intro – Creating your Change Agents Core Group
    Media Type: Video

    Creating your Change Agents core group- why creating a core group of Change Agents for Sustainability is the way to go.

  • 23Sustainability Mindset - Module 2b: Create a Core Group of Change Agents for Sustainability: 2.2b-1 – Attract your Perfect Change Agents – Step 1 – DESCRIBE
    Media Type: Video

    1st step of a 5-step method to attract your "perfect-fit" group of Change Agents. Describe who they are.

  • 24Sustainability Mindset - Module 2b: Create a Core Group of Change Agents for Sustainability: 2.2b-2 – Attract your Perfect Change Agents – Step 2 – ATTRACT
    Media Type: Video

    2nd step of a 5-step method to attract your "perfect-fit" group of Change Agents. Attract them.

  • 25Sustainability Mindset - Module 2b: Create a Core Group of Change Agents for Sustainability: 2.2b-3 – Attract your Perfect Change Agents – Step 3 – CLARIFY
    Media Type: Video

    3rd step of a 5-step method to attract your "perfect-fit" group of Change Agents. Clarify expectations.

  • 26Sustainability Mindset - Module 2b: Create a Core Group of Change Agents for Sustainability: 2.2b-4 – Attract your Perfect Change Agents – Step 4 – EMBODY
    Media Type: Video

    4th step of a five steps method to attract your “perfect-fit” group of Change Agents. Embody your best self for creating this group.

  • 27Sustainability Mindset - Module 2b: Create a Core Group of Change Agents for Sustainability:2.2b-5 – Attract your Perfect Change Agents – Step 5 – TAKE ACTION
    Media Type: Video

    5th step of a five steps method to attract your “perfect-fit” group of Change Agents. Take the right actions while avoiding distractions.

  • 28Sustainability Mindset - Module 2b: Create a Core Group of Change Agents for Sustainability: 2.2b-6 – Reach out Framework
    Media Type: Video

    A framework to “reach out” those Change Agents you want in your core group.

  • 29Sustainability Mindset - Module 2b: Create a Core Group of Change Agents for Sustainability: 2.2b-7 – Enrollment Framework for Enrolling Your Change Agents
    Media Type: Video

    A framework to enroll those Change Agents that you want in your core group.

  • 30Sustainability Mindset: Module 3: Transform the World: 3.0 – Introduction to Transforming the World
    Media Type: Video

    In this third Module, the author’s objective is to confront the theory and practice of Sustainable organizations in the real world by interviewing people from various organizations that are already well-advanced in creating change.

    An intentional effort has been made to present a diverse sample of people working in different sectors (oil and gas production, banking, software, NGOs, Renewable Energies, Carbon Capture, etc.) so the challenges can be contrasted.

    At the same time, the author’s objective was to highlight the personal mindset of these interviewees, so their passion and sense of purpose could be seen as a differentiator.

    In this way, is the author’s hope that the course participants can see themselves reflected in these Sustainability leaders: they also faced challenges and difficulties, but with a clear sense of purpose, a lot of passion, bringing a convincing business case for what they wanted to do, and rallying their team behind them, they are creating a tangible positive impact in the world.

  • 31Sustainability Mindset: Module 3: Transform the World: 3.1 – Interview with Minou Schillings
    Media Type: Video

    Interview with Minou Schillings, Founder of Sustainable Innovation Consultancy, The Green Sprint, she brings a focus on “Regenerative Sustainability” and product innovation with Sustainability in mind.

  • 32Sustainability Mindset: Module 3: Transform the World: 3.2 – Interview with Richard Kooloos
    Media Type: Video

    Interview with Richard Kooloos, Global Sustainability Director Dutch Bank ABN AMRO. He brings the perspective of a global financial institution

  • 33Sustainability Mindset: Module 3: Transform the World: 3.3 – Interview with Andres Guevara de la Vega
    Media Type: Video

    Interview with Andres Guevara de la Vega, President bp Spain, he explains how a new purpose changed everything for bp.

  • 34Sustainability Mindset: Module 3: Transform the World: 3.4 – Interview with Helen Gyasi
    Media Type: Video

    Interview with Helen Gyasi, Program Officer at the Netherlands African Business Council and Founder Nyamekeye Farms, she brings the Sustainability perspective from the developing world, small businesses, and gender equality with her NGO.

  • 35Sustainability Mindset: Module 3: Transform the World: 3.5 – Interview with David Reid
    Media Type: Video

    Interview with David Reid, Chief Technology Officer and Chief Marketing Officer for NOV, on how a well-constructed business case can create a sustainable impact and more profits.

  • 36Sustainability Mindset: Module 3: Transform the World: 3.6 – Interview with Espen Krogh
    Media Type: Video

    Interview with Espen Krogh, CEO of Prediktor Norwegian Data Management for the Energy Transition. This analytical CEO breaks down a mathematical path for the Energy Transition.

  • 37Sustainability Mindset: Module 3: Transform the World: 3.7 – Interview with Josh Etkind
    Media Type: Video

    Interview with Josh Etkind, Global Deepwater Digital Transformation Manager, Shell, and Chair, SPE Gaia Sustainability Program. He brings the perspective of a seasoned oil and gas professional committed to the Sustainable journey and Chair of the SPE Gaia Sustainability Program.

  • 38Sustainability Mindset: Module 3: Transform the World: 3.8 – Interview with Leon Beugelsdijk
    Media Type: Video

    Interview with Leon Beugelsdijk, Shell’s Growth and Development Manager for Carbon Capture & Storage (CCS). He also brings the perspective of a petroleum engineer invested in the Sustainable journey with very promising technology (CCS) and an organization evolving rapidly (Shell) to meet the societal demands for decarbonization.


Earn credits by completing this course0.6 CEU credit


Marinma DoradoFounder of Mindset Results, a Business Coaching Company that helps Businesses become Sustainable Organizations activating their Sustainable Purpose and Passions. Marinma participates in the Gaia Sustainability program as an advisor.
Marinma Dorado is a Certified Facilitator for the Passion Test and Passion Test for Business, a Program by New York Time bestsellers Janet ad Chris Atwood, a specialist in Existential Well-being by Leuven University, and has followed numerous courses on Customer Attraction, Employee Engagement, and Breakthrough Mindsets.
Previously to founding her Company she worked for 18 years as an international business developer for the oil and gas and automation sectors.
She holds a Chemical Engineering degree from Madrid University and an MSc. Petroleum Engineering and an MBA from Imperial College, London.