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2023 SPE Gaia Sustainability Summit: Day 1 Highlights

On 15-16 March 2023, roughly 100 people gathered at the SPE Gaia Sustainability Summit where oil and gas decisions makers and future makers were invited to “think like activists and act like engineers”. Once again, the group was hosted in the beautiful country of Oman and during Oman Sustainability Week. Participants experienced a highly interactive program around four key Gaia themes: Energy System Transformation—People & Technology; Measuring What Matters; Natural Capital & Regeneration; and Listening & Engaging.

It is widely accepted that humanity is not doing enough fast enough to reduce the pressure on the planet’s carrying capacity—seven of the nine planetary boundaries are in breach according to the Stockholm Resilience Center. We are not thriving inside planetary boundaries and yet we could be and we could whilst enjoying the benefits of oil and gas – that’s our Gaia premise. We can have our hydrocarbon cake and eat it too but only if we make the extraordinary advances needed to restore balance to the planet.

This video features highlights from the first day of the Summit.

2023 SPE Gaia Summit