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API and ISO Standards for Artificial Lift

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Course Credit: 0.15 CEU, 1.5 PDH

The Chinese proverb says, “The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” There are many steps in the long journey toward maximizing performance and run life of artificial lift systems, including proper installation, operation, training, surveillance, audits, service quality reviews, teardowns, and root cause analysis. But the very first step should be to identify the requirements for your artificial lift system and to communicate those requirements effectively to the vendor. In many cases, this is the most challenging step, largely because operators and suppliers often speak different languages.

Fortunately, International Standards are there for us to bridge that language gap. ISO defines a standard as, “a document that provides requirements, specifications, guidelines or characteristics that can be used consistently to ensure that materials, products, processes, and services are fit for their purpose.” Today, API and ISO provide such standards for ESPs, PCPs, sucker rod pumps, gas lift, and plunger lift, and API complements their standards with recommended practices that provide guidance from industry experts in the use of the technology.

In this informative webinar, the speakers provide an overview of the various API and ISO standards published for artificial lift, including the status of each, how they are developed, and how you can use them to improve your use of artificial lift systems.

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Course Chapters

  • 1API and ISO Standards for Artificial Lift - Chapter 1
    Media Type: Video


Earn credits by completing this course0.15 CEU credit1.5 PDH credits


Greg StephensonGreg Stephenson is the Chief Production Engineer at Occidental Petroleum and is based in Houston, Texas. In this role, he has functional responsibility for the production engineering discipline; he leads a team of Artificial Lift subject matter experts; he leads the Oxy Engineering Development Program for recent engineering graduates; and he provides technical support, mentoring and training for multiple artificial lift techniques. Throughout his career, Greg has specialized in the various aspects of artificial lift, production surveillance, automation and optimization. He has taught numerous industry courses throughout the world and written a variety of technical papers and publications on the subject. In addition to his work at Oxy, Stephenson recently served on the JPT Editorial Committee as Technical Editor for Artificial Lift; he serves on the SPE Production and Facilities Advisory Board; he served as the Program Chairperson for the 2018 SPE Artificial Lift Conference and Exhibition – Americas; he serves on the Board of Directors of the Artificial Lift Research and Development Council; and he chairs API Task Group 19G/11S, which manages 25 product standards, recommended practices and technical reports related to artificial
lift technology. Greg holds a BS in Petroleum Engineering from Texas Tech University. He can be reached at
Anthony Allison