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Flood Management: Solving Conformance or Sweep Efficiency Problems

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Course Credit: 0.15 CEU, 1.5 PDH

Conformance Engineering is the process of utilizing reservoir and wellbore information to understand the flood performance and then use that understanding to make adjustments to the flood which results in improved oil recovery. A primary focus on the flood performance is the volumetric sweep efficiency. To really comprehend what is taking place this needs to be further separated into the vertical and areal sweep efficiencies and focus on what aspect of the flood dynamics are influencing these values. Focus should be placed on the following basic questions: 1. How does fluid move through the reservoir and why? How does the wellbore both past and present interact with the reservoir? These basic questions should be one of the guiding focal points for every conventional asset reservoir and production engineer.

Over multiple decades of focused effort several insights to solving conformance problems have been developed. The principles and guidelines provided are very basic, but insightful, on how to address and solve conformance problems.

In this webinar we look at methods to help you focus your efforts on the information that is needed to properly understand and solve conformance or sweep efficiency problems. We discuss what efforts yield the greatest return for success rate, how to evaluate the performance of those efforts and how to further improve solution performance. One case history is reviewed to help understand the process and the key benefits. Similar information can be found in the JPT article series on Flood Management (April, May, June and July 2023).

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 1 chapter
  1 downloadable resource

Course Chapters

  • 1Flood Management: Solving Conformance or Sweep Efficiency Problems - Chapter 1
    Media Type: Video


Earn credits by completing this course0.15 CEU credit1.5 PDH credits


David Smith
Shaya Movafaghian