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Session II - Identifying Knowledge Gaps and Tools

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Course Credit: 0.15 CEU, 1.5 PDH

This webinar will provide a brief overview of how the oil and gas industry evolved to where it is today, as a way to provide the background for defining the knowledge required to perform key technical jobs in the industry. It will introduce the attendees to the Competency Management Tool (CMT) that is available to all SPE members free of cost. Since the onus of managing technical competence and personal development largely rests on the shoulders of the employees, using the CMT is an excellent way to manage one’s competence and professional development.

Career Advancement Educational Video Series: How to Get Ahead

This new educational video series provides you with career tools to get noticed and rise above the rest.
Today, managing technical competence and personal development largely rests on the employees’ shoulders. Career development can feel like a daunting task for any individual, but there are many tools available to make it easier for you to identify and fill your knowledge gaps and demonstrate your professional prowess.

What the Series Covers:

  • Professionalism (Session I – Certification/Licensure and the Road to Professionalism): The first step that a young engineer can take on their career path – a journey that will deliver the ethical standards necessary, both professionally and personally, to maintain a high level of integrity throughout their careers.
    o Credentials: Certification or licensure promotes recognition of technical knowledge, ethic practices, career advancement, and continued professional development.
  • Fill Knowledge Gaps (Session II- Identifying Knowledge Gaps and Tools): Identify knowledge gaps using the SPE Competency Management Tool and then explore training opportunities to manage your competence.
  • Career Advancement (Session III- Preparing for SPE Certification and Licensing Exams): How to prepare for the SPE Certification Exam and NCEES Licensing Exam in Petroleum Engineering.
  • What’s Next? (Session IV- After Credentialing, What’s Next?): After becoming certified or licensed, the path of the consummate professional doesn’t stop there. Give back to the profession and learn why it is important to maintain your credential, for your benefit as well as the industry as a whole.

Attend this series to make professional development a priority in your life. You will gain a deeper knowledge of the role of professionalism, tools to identify and fill knowledge gaps, and becoming credentialed.

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 1 chapter
  1 downloadable resource

Course Chapters

  • 1Session II - Identifying Knowledge Gaps and Tools - Chapter 1
    Media Type: Video


Earn credits by completing this course0.15 CEU credit1.5 PDH credits


Mr. Alok Jain