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Accelerating the Value with Women Talent in Oil and Gas

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Course Credit: 0.15 CEU, 1.5 PDH

The oil and gas industry has traditionally had a low representation of women in technical roles. One possible explanation for this disparity may be a lack of awareness and initiatives aimed at promoting and supporting the inclusion of women.

However, with the growing importance of data science and artificial intelligence in the industry, there is an opportunity to attract more women to these fields. To do this, a top-down approach may be necessary, focusing on the development and support of female talent and providing easier access to opportunities. This approach would ensure that women with the necessary qualifications, competence and skill sets are given the support they need to excel in the industry.

Furthermore, increasing the number of women in leadership positions can help to foster a more inclusive culture and encourage more women to pursue careers in the industry.

Overall, increasing gender diversity in the oil and gas industry and in data science will require a collaborative effort involving industry initiatives, cultural change, and individual action. By working together, it is possible to create a more inclusive and diverse industry that better serves the needs of all stakeholders.

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Course Chapters

  • 1Accelerating the Value with Women Talent in Oil and Gas - Chapter 1
    Media Type: Video


Earn credits by completing this course0.15 CEU credit1.5 PDH credits


Aarti Dange
Celestina Raggi
Lisa Jiang
Rajesh Sharma
Sushma Bhan