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Strategic Influencing Ethically

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Course Credit: 0.15 CEU, 1.5 PDH

Although organisational politics are a fact of life, many people who work in organisations denigrate politics and attempt to avoid ‘playing’ them. Others seek to make use of organisational politics for personal gain rather than institutional and social benefit; such personal manoeuvring may come at significant organisational / social cost.

Dr. Joel DeLuca, who worked with 11,000 people across 9 multi-national firms, anchors this course in 20 years of research. The research identified individuals who consistently demonstrate the ability to build, ethically, a critical mass of support for organisational ideas about which they care. The aim of the research was to determine and translate into simple “tools” how these individuals—the politically savvy— think and operate that enables them to excel.

Originally introduced in the US 20 years ago by Dr. DeLuca (including Harvard Business School, Yale, MIT, The Wharton School of Business, the FBI Academy), over the last 10 years, Elizabeth Coffey and her Associates have led Political Savvy seminars for various institutions within EMEA, Asia and North America: Barclays Bank, Credit Suisse, Citibank, Nomura, Deutsche Bank, IBM, PwC, Kuwait Petroleum Corporation, Merrill Lynch, ADNOC, ADIA, British Telecom and INSEAD & Harvard Business School Alumni – to name a few.

This webinar gives an overview of how to steer a course around organisational barriers to engage actively in the political sphere in an ethical and systematic way. It enables managers to develop the mind-set and skill- set of the politically savvy in order to have more impact on issues of importance. The course is typically offered to participants who currently hold or aspire to organisational leadership roles.

The engaging training helps those who want to make a difference in working around the bureaucracy and other barriers that exist in every organisation to be more effective in influencing strategically. The webinar is fun and highly interactive.

The content covered by the webinar is:

1. The Baddeley & James Political Intelligence Model
2. The blockers to engaging in organisation politics
3. 7 savvy strategies (quiz and dialogue)
4. The mapping tools

All content contained within this webinar is copyrighted by Elizabeth Coffey and its use and/or reproduction outside the portal requires express permission from Elizabeth Coffey.

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Course Chapters

  • 1Strategic Influencing Ethically - Chapter 1
    Media Type: Video


Earn credits by completing this course0.15 CEU credit1.5 PDH credits


Elizabeth Coffey